Ear Acupuncture for Parties & Events
Do you EAR me?
Did you know in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) the ear is a microcosm of the whole body? You will find TCM all throughout East Asia and many Southeast Asian countries. One of the predominate treatments is acupuncture.
We can treat the whole body via the ear such as skeletal issues, pain, headaches, immunity, addiction, emotional stress, digestion issues, insomnia etc. How cool is that! Generally, I like acupuncture needles, but I may use ear seeds or metal pellets for children or those that are sensitive and there is also a little pen that gives a teeny tiny electrical charge to the points without use of a needle.
Outside of my private practice, I travel like a food truck or a superhero at a kid’s party (ha, ha, ha) to do events, parties (home or office) and fundraisers. No getting undressed, just sitting down for a quick ear treatment. Traditional Chinese Herbal Teas also available.
What a wonderful way to say thank you to your staff. Invite me in for the day and they can drop by for a quick treatment.
#NeedlesandTeas #EarMe #IEarYou #NaturalMedicine #AncientWisdom #TraditionalChineseMedicine #Acupuncture #Events #Parties #Fundraisers #HealingHands #MicrocosmTreatment
If you are interested, message me.
Mostly Los Angeles but I may travel to Ventura, Santa Barbara & San Diego Counties. When it is a big event there are 3 Licensed Acupuncturists I travel with.